It's been awhile, I know. This post will be short, I'm blogging from my the backseat of the truck...somewhere in Virginia. We are headed to upstate New York to say goodbye to grandma.
Alas, making a little money along the way. We happened to be going right by Replacements, LTD in NC and I had recently packed up my wedding dishes after getting new ones that go with the changed decor. The old ones were Pfaltzgraff Key Largo. A simple pattern of cream stoneware with pale green and yellow bands. It's retired. It's not selling well on ebay. No interest on Craigs list. I left with a check for $93.00 for 11 year old dishes that we used every day. I'm thrilled to say the least. More later when I can actually type on my laptop and not spend so much time correcting typos from the truck bouncing all over the road.