Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
It's a sad day for Paisley Pumpkin
This afternoon the TN neighbor called to chat and was taking inventory of my outdoor items at the cabin. Someone stole my bench. The one that is the centerpiece of the Paisley Pumpkin blog banner.
Now money-wise it's not a big loss. I paid $20 or $25 for it at a thrift store and then $8 or so on black spray paint. That's not the point. It was cute. It was prefect for the spot. It was MINE. I bought it. I got my happy ass out of bed at 7am to go to work, to collect a paycheck, so that I could buy stuff I wanted. Like this little bench. If there is one thing I detest it's thievery. If it's not yours, leave it alone.
The neighbor had called the sheriff's office and they sent someone out. Turns out stuff was missing from several other cabins as well. It was weird - it was like they took bits and pieces from each place in order to decorate their own. They didn't clear out stuff from anyone. Believe me when I say my neighbor has a gorgeous deck. She's got an ornately carved wood porch swing, a pair of black rocking chairs, a vintage Coke cooler - the kind with legs and a bottle opener on the front, whiskey barrels, split log benches, Cedar Adirondack chairs, all kinds of nice stuff (unlike me, mine is all inexpensive and frankly there isn't that much of it...I was still working on that - not sure if i'm going to continue since i'm going to have to either bolt it down or haul it all down to the basement every time we leave).
They took a large salt glaze crock and a whiskey barrel planter from my neighbor's deck...but they neatly lined up the grapevine balls (that had been in the crock) along the bench it had been sitting on. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?! They took one of the two wood rocking chairs from the cabin on the other side of the neighbor's place. They weren't nice like the one's on my neighbor's deck - they were unpainted, weathered and old...yet they took one of those instead of the nice ones.
The sheriff said they would have patrol run thru once per hour for the next week, but that they really weren't obligated to do so (really? Small town, not a lot going on, what exactly DO you have to do besides drive around and PATROL for that sort of thing happening?). He also told her that they've only had ONE break-in there, about a year ago a cabin was burglarized and all they took was the flat panel TV. Turned out to be someone from the cleaning crew...so it wasn't even a random happening, it was someone who had access to the place
This just really bums me out. Some of us were trying to bring the resort back to life with redoing the cabins and taking pride in the ones that weren't rental properties and frankly, my guess would be someone else in the complex that's redoing a place. It wouldn't surprise me if more stuff is missing when I get back up there later this month.
That said, I bought a video security system the other day so that will be getting set up ASAP. I'm sad that it's necessary...because I was buying it just to see what was going on around the cabin, NOT to catch thieves. *sigh*

Posted by ~Robin~ at 9:50 PM 1 comments
Labels: bench, cabin, karma, paisly pumpkin, stolen, theives
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Coupon Crazy Day!
Today I did my last minute CVS run for this week. I did pretty darn good I must say LOL.
Of course I scanned my card when I walked in and out came a $3/$10 First Aid purchase. Excellent, i'm planning to spend $20 on Excedrin - bring it!
The deal on Excedrin this week was spend $20, get $10 ECB. I had a $.75 coupon for 20ct or larger and a $1.50 coupon for 80ct or larger. I picked up a 250 count box of tablets for $15.49 and a 20ct box for $5.79. Bonus - the 20ct came with a free box of Excedrin PM attached.
The math - $15.49 + $5.79 = $21.28, $21.28 - $1.50 - $.75 = $18.78. Not bad - hey wait, I got that magic $3/$10 first aid coupon at the kiosk. Pain reliever = first aid. $18.78 - $3.00 = $15.78...and since my pre-coupon total met the $20 requirement, out popped $10 in ECB when I checked out. That makes my Excedrin purchase a whopping $5.78 - yep $.01 less than the shelf price of the 20ct bottle.
1 box of root touch up hair color on sale for $5.99. This was not a planned purchase and I know I had a coupon for it. At home. Yep, I didn't take my coupon binder. %$#(*&!
I had a $5/$20 coupon from the newspaper this week so I wanted to make sure I hit $20 - how about that for an excuse?
Let's continue...
CANDY! Big candy sales this week. Buy 2 get 1 for a $.01 on a bunch of stuff. Stuff I had coupons for. Mr. Paisley will get a little something sweet in his lunch bag this week. Nestle and a couple others were buy one get one for a $.01 so I grabbed 6 full size Butterfinger bars - Mr. Paisley always gets a Butterfinger Blizzard when we go by Dairy Queen. I also had 3 coupons for $.50/2 Nestle singles. When the hell did candy get so expensive? $1.19 for a chocolate bar...
$1.19 X 2 + .01 = $2.39 for 3 bars. $2.39 - $.50 = $1.89 or $.63 per bar. Now we're talking!
I did this deal 3 times.
More candy...
Hershey's bites / drops were BOGO $.01. Regular price $4.49. So $4.50 for two bags. I had 4 coupons for $2/2.
$4.50 - $2.00 = $2.50 or $1.25 each. Hardly more than a regular price candy bar. Meh.
I did this deal twice - snagging 2 bags of plain chocolate and 2 bags of cookies n cream. They were out of Reese's and Special Dark. Boo...
They also had a deal on Schick Hydro razors and blades. Buy the razor for $8.99 get $4 in ECB and there was a $4/1 coupon in the Sunday paper. Same deal on the 4 pack of blades only the coupon in the paper was for $2/1. Good deal either way. I got one of each and had the $4 and $2 coupons.
Funny thing...ha ha. When I checked out, the only ECB on my receipt was the $10 for the Excedrin. There was a line and only one cashier so I just went with it figuring I would just call them and have the regenerate them. Upon closer inspection of my receipt...they were ringing up BOGO free. Weird...but i'll take it! Why? The blades were $8.79 and free. I would have gotten $8 in ECB. WOOT - and extra $.79 in savings for me.
$8.99 + $8.79 = $17.78. $17.78 - $4.00 - $2.00 = $11.78. $11.78 - $8.79 (for the bogo) = $2.99 for a razor and 5 blades. I'll take it.
Now in addition to those coupons, I had my $3 ECB because my birthday was last week. Plus a handful of ECB from my last CVS trip totaling $11.
My pre-sale, pre-coupon total was $72.15, my coupon savings was $35.75 and my sale discounts totaled $22.11. Add the $1.43 in sales tax and voila! 80% off retail.
I love CVS!
Oh yeah...I also found a penny by my car in the parking lot ;-)

Posted by ~Robin~ at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 17, 2011
Do you match your bag to your shoes?

Posted by ~Robin~ at 7:53 AM 1 comments
Labels: dollhouse, shoes, steven madden, vera bradley
Sunday, June 12, 2011
I finally got a Cricut...6 months ago.
Yep - you read that right! I finally got a Cricut. SIX months ago. I'm just shy of mortified to also say - it's still in the box.
It's a funny story you see...after Christmas last year, my in-laws met us at the Cabin for our Christmas with Mr. Paisley's side of the family...or his parents anyway. So there we were (we, being my mother-in-law and I) meandering thru the aisles at Kroger (not really, we just ran in to grab a few things while the guys were next door at Lowe's). So the middle aisle is like extra wide - generally they have the seasonal crap decor, candy, whatever there with the big bins in the middle. What in the world - I stopped in my tracks as we were headed toward the dairy case in the back. Is that? What!
As if getting it for $70 wasn't sweet enough, my mother-in-law bought it for me as another Christmas gift. I wonder if she remembered when we went shopping a couple of years before and found one on sale for $99 that she bought for her daughter for Christmas...when she asked me about it then, I said something along the lines of "I want one, but really don't think i'd use it"...of course as of right now, that's true! It is indeed still in the box. I can think of a million and one things i'd like to do with it, but I need to get my office in order so that I have room to set it up and actually USE it. Right now i'm still on the purge the house kick. Soon that yard sale is going to happen and once it does, I will be commissioning Mr. P to whip up my desk / storage, paint my office, refinish my office chairs and get down to business. Of course you know that once that happens it will be here for you to read about...eventually.

Saturday, June 11, 2011
Score! Showing off my mad shopping skillz again
Today I took a friend of mine shopping. We did AWESOME!
A little back story - my friend is going thru a rather unpleasant divorce and there are young children involved and it's just bad. She hasn't worked full time since she had the first baby and has only had a couple of short term part time jobs in between - then the out of the blue divorce nastiness and the economy she hasn't been able to find a job, the not soon enough to be ex isn't giving her any money. She's just having a really hard time right now. So last week I get a call for an employment reference for her - she got the job! So excited for her! Of course will the toll the divorce and not seeing her kids has taken, she's super skinny now and none of her work clothes fit. Lucky for her, the new job is business casual and it's full time, but they only work 4 days a week (seriously? *I* want that job!) so as a celebration - I asked her to let me take her shopping for a couple of new outfits.
So in preparation for today's trip, I went thru last week's newspapers and scored 2 $10/$25 no exclusions coupons for JC Penney. Now if you've ever shopped at JCP you know they practically give away stuff with their clearance prices. Plus they were having door buster deals from 9am-1:00pm today. Sweet - that was our first (and turns out ONLY) shopping stop! I also found a 20% off 1 item coupon for Stein Mart and a 20% off purchase coupon for Macy's - all good on sale items. Macy's was also valid on clearance.
She texted me that she was on the way over at 9:38am - she arrived around 10:05, we left the Paisley Cottage around 10:20. We were done shopping (including drive time from my house to the mall) at 11:33am and then I took her to lunch at Smokey Bones for some yummy BBQ (and free Kettle Chips from checking in on Four Square on my phone - I love free...).
Back to shopping. I swear we spent 15 minutes in the parking garage trying to adjust the seat belt in the stroller for her toddler. We finally walk into JCP and as luck would have it right into the women's section - woo hoo! So we head to the clearance racks first - they had some super cute stuff I have to say.
After 1 quick trip to the dressing room - she picked the following:
- silver gray dockers pants ($6.70 after the clearance discounts and coupons)
- green / gray plaid peasant Henley top (sort of a cross between a peasant blouse and a button front Henley) $9.52
- gorgeous sheer magenta / purple top with cream color crochet trim (ANA brand) along the neckline and double layer flutter sleeves $7.15
- total for that purchase $24.89
- khaki Levi's pants $5.96
- ANA brand beautiful emerald green silky tank top with a keyhole neckline and ruffle edge along the neck (will look amazing with those silver gray pants) $5.60
- ANA brand tan chino skinny pants $4.97
- total for that purchase $17.60
$42.49 for 3 outfits!
JCP also prints your total savings on the recipes - #1 was $101.47 savings! #2 was $92.63 savings!
Grand total of savings $194.10
That's 83% off - I was totally planning on spending $100. She wouldn't pick out anything else. She hates "charity" - I don't see it as charity, she's a friend, I can afford to help her out, so of course I want to. The fact that I can put her in 3 outfits for less than it costs me to fill up my gas tank every week is just CRAZY! I know she will enjoy them and wear them proudly to work next week and of course I wish her the best with the new job - I know it will make a HUGE difference for her and for that, i'm thrilled and excited for her.
I'm also super stoked at the savings! Proof that just because you aren't rich, doesn't mean you have to shop at Walmart, you can buy brand name clothes for next to nothing, BRAND NEW for less, you just have to know where to look.
Here are stock photos from the JCP website of some of the items (some aren't found online)
The Ana skinny pants - they have some super cute top stitch details too.

Posted by ~Robin~ at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: bargain shopping, charity, clothing, friend, work
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Bamboo floors...

Posted by ~Robin~ at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: bamboo, decorating, DIY, family room, flooring, home improvement, master bedroom, Paisley Cottage, rug
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Finished Living Room
Since I posted photos of the finished sofa, figured I should also show the finished (for now) shots of the whole room.
The lamp stays, any suggestion on what I should put there? Thought about hanging a framed something-or-other on the wall and then figuring out what to put up there that went with the artwork. I guess I could hang the mirror instead of having it on the easel...then it would reflect the window and natural light rather than...the ceiling. There's a thought. What would you put there?

Posted by ~Robin~ at 7:53 PM 2 comments
Labels: DIY, living room, Paisley Cottage