Do you Freecycle? If you don't, the short version is - it's kind of like Craig's List - only everything is free. It's based in Yahoo Groups, you join the group in your area. Some kind souls are forum moderators who spend their free time granting requests to join, blocking people, deleting inappropriate posts, etc. For the most part, it's a people getting rid of more or less good stuff. Stuff they no longer need, but that isn't really ready for the landfill. Go green right?
I was on the Central Florida group for awhile, but the emails got overwhelming and frankly, I got tired of all the requests. Sure, it never hurts to ask, but really? You *need* a laptop, and it has to be new, with Windows 7. Really? I need one of those too...
On the flip side, I used it to give away a lot of stuff. If your house needs a good purge - go for it. It's like the FREE section of Craig's List.
At any rate, in the spirit of the season - and I know it's down to the wire, but I read this 'tidbit' and thought i'd bump my planned post for something that might just make someone else's holiday.
Be a Freecycle Santa.
Read about it here. Freecycle Santa
We all know the economy is so-so and lots of folks are without jobs. Maybe that old (still working) iPod in your desk drawer would make some kid happy.
I'm not a good candidate for electronics. We don't have ANY game consoles. I have a 2nd generation iPod that I still use - it's bigger and heavier than my smart's also bigger than my external hard drive - funny since that's pretty much what it is. While my degrees are in IT, I no longer keep up with it. As you know, i'm a bargain shopper. $100 isn't much in the grand scheme of things, but $200 for an iPod (in 2004) was crazy and if Mr. Paisley hadn't bought it for me for my birthday, chances are I wouldn't own one period. But since he spent the money on it, I use it and I enjoy it...and I will use it until it works no more...because i'm cheap and i'm not going to spend $100 on a nano or whatever the latest and greatest iPod is...this one works. Why does it need to be replaced? I know i'm not normal in that respect, I know lots of folks have last year's model tossed aside for the new one. Why not pass it along if that person is you?
It's not just electronics - anything goes. Have a toddler quickly outgrowing clothes and shoes? There's probably a single mom near you that can't afford those things for her kids. Pass them on to someone who can use them. It'll make you feel good. It will make them feel good.
It's Christmas time...
How to Create Faux Reclaimed Wood Countertops
3 months ago
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