I don't know about you, but I shop online...a lot. Sometimes the shipping charge is totally worth skipping the aggravation of going to an actual store. Several years ago I hooked up with a couple of websites that give you CASH BACK when you purchase things online. The two i'm sharing today both work in percentages of item cost (not including shipping).
When you want to buy something, go to one of these websites first, there you can search for the item OR the store.
Here's a real life example for you. I wanted an over range microwave (yes, the Paisley Cottage was behind the times). Sears had a black Friday special last fall $150 and no charge for shipping because I had it delivered to the local store for pick up. I logged on to the computer at my in-laws' house bright and early Friday morning, went to Mr. Rebates website and searched for Sears. Clicked on the Sears link and was redirected to the Sears website where I found my microwave and purchased it as if I had just started off at the Sears website. I'm sure I had a coupon code, plus my Craftsman Club # to get a little more of discount plus points. Then I had a pending credit of 4% of my purchase price listed in my rebates. Looking at it today, the rebate has been processed and looks like this
11/27/2009 11/26/2009 Sears $144.99 $5.80
11/27/2009 = posted date
11/26/2009 = purchase date
Sears = retailer (duh)
$144.99 = what I paid
$5.80 = the rebate amount credited to my Mr. Rebates account
Sure $5.80 isn't much in the grand scheme of things, but it'll pay for cheap lunch at a drive thru. Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick I say!
Sears happens to be a 4% rebate, rebates vary by store and can go from 1% to 26% - 26%!
So depending on what you're buying and where, you can get a pretty good chunk back!
I always check both of the rebate sites that I use because sometimes the rebate percentage is more at one than the other for the same store. Obviously, I go thru the one with the higher rebate. I'm smart like that.
Saturday I received a Mr. Rebates check in the mail.
This is what the entry looks like in my account
7/30/2010 N/A Payment Deduction Payment Sent - 08/02/10 $0.00 ($27.67)
Prior to that, my last requested check was in February and it was for...
2/27/2010 N/A Payment Deduction Payment Sent - 03/02/10 $0.00 ($40.21)
Since I joined this site in 2005, I have received almost $150 back in cash. It would be more, but you know me...I like a bargain, so I don't buy things online unless I have some sort of coupon code, free shipping, etc - so my rebate percentage is reduced because my order total was less to begin with. Fine with me... it's still $150 (well $142.13)!
Here's what my payment history looks like
Posting Date Status Payment Amount
7/30/2010 Payment Sent - 08/02/10 $27.67
2/27/2010 Payment Sent - 03/02/10 $40.21
11/9/2009 Payment Sent - 12/02/09 $24.38
7/21/2009 Payment Sent - 08/04/09 $20.95
12/1/2008 Payment Sent - 01/02/09 $14.34
7/29/2008 Payment Sent - 08/02/08 $14.58
Total: $142.13
Now on top of my own shopping, it works like a fabulous pyramid scheme. If you sign up by clicking the link I posted above...when you get your rebate, they will automatically post an amount equal to 20% of your rebate to MY account...so you shop and we both get a rebate for it! The 20% I get, doesn't come out of your rebate, you still get your full amount! Win win situation...so once you sign up, email a referral link to all your friends!
The other site works almost the same way. It's called Ebates I don't use it as much and have only been with them since 2008. My rebates with them are limited to roughly $27 and a $10 Target gift card. I need to make it a point to use them more often. They will deposit straight to my PayPal account and they give away cool prizes. The difference between the two is mainly with getting people to join and how you're compensated for your "recruiting". While Mr. Rebates gives you 20% credit on their purchases, Ebates just gives you $5 in your account. Frankly, it's probably a better deal!
So go sign up and start your holiday shopping now! It's kinda like Kohl's Cash...$10 for every $50 you spend...speaking of Kohl's...they are on both sites...so shop at Kohl's online and get EXTRA cash back!

I like Ebates as well. I have been using them for awhile now!
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